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The evolution of an MC / Apr 17, 2016

Open Mic Classical

(aka the Mic-less Open Mic)

Cape Cod’s First & Only

Inspiring Communities

A message from co-founder Bob Marcus / The evolution of an MC

Life as an MC has been rich with a continuous stream of noteworthy experiences - some of them grand, others memorable for other reasons.

My first such experience was as an 8-year old when I introduced another 8-year old classmate named Marcia in a weekly “show-and-tell” in 4th grade. Marcia had given a few of us boys a most amazing show in her father’s garage the previous evening, and my attempt to have her repeat the show in front of the class was left unfinished when the teacher hauled me off to the principal’s office. Nonetheless I was bitten by the MC bullet, and after many other more successful MC-ing events I reached Big Time when I introduced the Beatles to a lobster-eating crowd in Eastham in the early 60’s. They made such a big hit with the Eastham crowd that I was urged to send the Beatles on to the Ed Sullivan Show, where they took off like gangbusters, and my fame as an MC was firmly established for all time.

I’ll skip lightly over the intervening years and come to the high point of my career, which began with MC-ing “Open Mic Classical” on Cape Cod that originated as a flash of inspiration to clarinetist Monika Woods during a pause for breath while performing Mozart’s Kegelstatt Trio.

We are in our second year of Open Mic Classical, and we continue to grow each month with the help of our community. I love classical music, and I find it a great joy to play a role in helping to present this timeless music to appreciative audiences here on Cape Cod. I look forward to many more years of hosting this amazing musical treat here in Brewster!

So to all: thanks again / please come again / please spread the word from valley to hilltop so our wonderful cape classical community can continue to evolve and intertwine on our roads less traveled.

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aka the mic-less open mic

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